Thursday, August 2, 2007

Iraq update August 2, 2007

This press briefing from MNF-I says a lot. It was held at the Combined Press Information Center and is titled Military, economic progress continues, officials say. Nothing like some joint ass kicking.

“We continue to target the networks and leaders of al-Qaeda in Iraq and the special groups, and are steadily chipping away at both sets of extremists,” Bergner said. “We are seeing progress not just in the number of terrorist leaders that are captured or killed but also in the courage of the Iraqi people, their support for their security forces, and their purposeful stand against violence.”

Also, keep up on BlackFive. Uncle Jimbo is messing around with Skype and attempting to get some real feeds from the military bloggers. His first one is with Captain Coulson of Badgers Forward. It's 10 minutes long, but worth the listen. CPT Coulson is Teflon Don's (Acute Politics) commanding officer and was also there for the front row view on the Anbar Awakening.

And, if you really want to crunch the numbers, Bill Roggio at The Fourth Rail has the Iraqi Security Forces Order of Battle: August 2007 Update posted. This is only good if you feel all geeky about the specifics. It's a great read though in my opinion. But, that probably means I'm a geek.

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