Sunday, January 20, 2008


LTC. James Crider has a post up over at Michael Yon online regarding the situation in Doura called Commander’s Update #9 JAN 08
  • A major factor in our success here has been the bond that has developed between the people in our area and the soldiers of 1-4 CAV. We are a part of the community. It is commonplace to smile, wave and exchange customary greetings with people on the streets. Or the children who follow many soldiers to shake hands and speak every word of broken English they know (Hello, Mista! How are you? What is your name? Give me chocolate! Football!). I will often stop by to visit someone at their home just to say hello and they always ask why it has been so long since I stopped by even if it has only been a few days. Apache Troop knows one man who drives to the main road in the neighborhood with sandwiches and chai to find them if a trooper fails to come visit him every 2-3 days.
The anti-war crowd always state that they don't understand what victory in Iraq will be. I think they just need to open their eyes a little and the question might just answer itself.

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