Sunday, January 20, 2008

Debunking the NYT

You've probably heard about this weeks hit job by the New York Times on our returning Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans. They tried to paint an inaccurate picture of how our vets are out of control murdering psychopaths but a quick look at the figures they used to base their story on and it was determined that our vets are only 1/5 as likely to commit the crime as "normal" 18 to 34 year olds.

Pat Dollard has a good take down posted with Some Fictional Horrors Of War that covers it well.
  • Thus, with declining deaths in the war zones, the media narrative evolves. Old story: “America’s soldiers are being cut down by violent irrational insurgents we can never hope to understand.” New story: “Americans are being cut down by violent irrational soldiers we can never hope to understand.” In the quagmire of these veterans’ minds, every leafy Connecticut subdivision is Fallujah and every Dunkin’ Donuts clerk an Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

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