During General David Petraeus' testimony to Congress on the progress of the war in Iraq, he referred to the great security gains of the last year, which largely hold even in the face of clashes between Shia militias and government forces in Sadr City, Basrah, and much of the South. General Petraeus credited a substantial portion of those security gains in many areas of Iraq in the last year to the duel phenomena of Sahawa (Awakening) councils and the formation of local security teams from out-of-work men fed up with violence.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Sons of Iraq info
Teflon Don from Acute Politics has a post up over at The Long War Journal called When Sons of Iraq grow up which is pretty informative on the current situation with the Sons of Iraq, AKA Concerned local citizen groups, AKA The Awakenings. Make sure you check out his slide show too.