Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sons of Iraq

Teflon Don from Acute Politics has his first article posted at The Long War Journal called Sons of Iraq. As a refresher for you, TD was in Anbar province for most of 2007 as a Marine performing route clearance and he blogged it pretty steadily. He's managed to get back to Iraq as an independent journalist working for Bill Roggio's Public Multimedia Inc.. So, his first article is posted.
  • As Coalition forces in Iraq have moved to a doctrine centered more on counterinsurgency and begun to engage the sheikhs, the military has relied more and more on security forces supplied by local sheikhs to point out bad guys, weapon caches, and IEDs. In Arab Jabour, those forces are called Sons of Iraq.

    Sayifiyah, in southern Arab Jabour, had local villagers trying to start a Sons of Iraq program before US forces even reached their village.

TD has slideshow to go along with it at In Pictures: The Sons of Iraq

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